Mark Tobey: Eine Collection, una collezione, a collection
Ed: Heiner Hachmeister, texts by Matthias Bärmann, Heiner Hachmeister and Günther Kebeck, German/Italian/English, Münster 2022, 212 pages, 80 large format colour ill., with an extensive bibliography and list of exhibitions, hardcover, thread stitching, half linen, format 31 x 26,5 cm
ISBN 978-3-88829-165-4
Price: 89,– € plus postage and shipping

Günther Kebeck: Beobachten und Betrachten
Münster 2022, edition of 300, 163 p., hardcover, thread stitching, linen cover, format 17,5 x 11,5 cm
ISBN 978-3-88829-170-8
Price: 18,50 € plus postage and shipping

Friedhelm Falke: Kontext
Text by Michael Stoeber, Münster 2021, 103 p., 86 large format colour ill., hardcover, thread stitching, format 25,5 x 21 cm
ISBN 978-3-88829-155-5
Price: 32,– € plus postage and shipping

Milo Köpp: Rede vom Rand
Ed.: Heiner Hachmeister, texts by Carsten Gliese and Johannes Vincent Knecht, Münster 2019, 235 p., 212 colour ill., hardcover, format 17 x 28 cm
ISBN 978-3-88829-150-0
Price: 42,– € plus postage and shipping

Friedhelm Falke: Grenze und Rand
Ed.: Heiner Hachmeister, texts by Christoph Schreier, Michael Jäger, Bettina Zeman, Münster 2016, 75 p., 54 colour ill., card cover, format 29,7 x 21 cm
ISBN 978-3-88829-096-1
Price: 15,– € plus postage and shipping

Christoph Worringer: Der magische Kubus – The Cube
Text by Jasmin Alley. Published on the occasion of the exhibition at Hachmeister Gallery Münster 2014, text German/Engl., 56 p., 65 colour ill., card cover, format 29,7 x 21 cm
ISBN 978-3-88829-086-2
Price: 15,– € plus postage and shipping

Wege nach Asien – Ways to Asia
Kunstschätze aus China, Thailand, Kambodscha und Resonanzen westlicher Moderne / Treasures from China, Thailand, Cambodia and resonances of Western Modern Art. Ed.: Heiner Hachmeister, texts by Matthias Bärmann and Heiner Hachmeister, Münster 2013, German/Engl., 152 p., 95 colour ill., hardcover, half linen, format 31 x 24,5 cm, edition of 500
ISBN 978-3-88829-081-7
Price: 58,– € plus postage and shipping

Le Corbusier: Zeichner und Maler
Ed.: Heiner Hachmeister, text by Heiner Hachmeister, with an essay by Peter Wilson, Münster 2012, Germand/Engl., 80 p., 55 colour ill, 13 b/w ill., format 27,5 x 25,5 cm, hardcover, edition of 600
ISBN 978-3-88829-076-3
Price: 25,– € plus postage and shipping

Milo Köpp: Die Daten der Dinge
Ed.: Heiner Hachmeister, text by Günther Kebeck, Münster 2009, 32 p., 53 colour ill., card cover, format 26,5 x 21 cm, edition of 500
ISBN 978-3-88829-066-4
Price: 10,– € plus postage and shipping

Karel Dierickx: Kruisweg
14 Zeichnungen von 2008. Ed.: Heiner Hachmeister, texts by Günther Kebeck, Thomas Sternberg and Heiner Hachmeister, Münster 2009, 64 p., 14 facsimile drawings, format 31 x 24,5 cm, hardcover, linen cover, edition of 700
ISBN 978-3-88829-061-9
Price: 58,– € plus postage and shipping

Khmer – Men and Gods / Menschen und Götter
Ed.: Heiner Hachmeister, texts by Cino delle Piane, Matthias Bärmann, Helmut Federle, Ad Reinhardt, Heiner Hachmeister, Münster 2008, German/Engl., 142 p., 52 colour ill., hardcover, half linen, format 31 x 24,5 cm
ISBN 978-3-88829-056-5
Price: 58,– € plus postage and shipping

Heiner Hachmeister (ed.): Christoph Worringer
Texts by Reinhard Hoeps, Raimund Stecker and Christoph Worringer, Münster 2006, German/Engl., 76 p., 27 colour ill., hardcover, format 25 x 29 cm
ISBN 978-3-88829-051-0
Price: 25,– € plus postage and shipping

Mark Tobey: Light Space
Ed.: Heiner Hachmeister, texts by Wesley Wehr, Matthias Bärmann, Kosme de Barañano, Heiner Hachmeister, Münster 2004, Engl., 152 p., 57 colour ill., hardcover, half linen, format 31 x 24 cm, edition of 1000
ISBN 978-3-88829-046-6
Price: 64,– € plus postage and shipping

Pablo Picasso: Paraphrasen und Variationen / Paraphrases and Variations
Seltene Graphik / Rare Prints. Ed.: Heiner Hachmeister, texts by Andreas Bühler and Heiner Hachmeister, Münster 2004, Germand/Engl., 88 p., 54 ill., card cover, format 29 x 22 cm
ISBN 978-3-88829-036-7
Price: 20,– € plus postage and shipping

Karel Dierickx: Die ungewisse Dauer
Ed.: Heiner Hachmeister, texts by Roland Jooris and Günther Kebeck, Münster 2003, German/Flemish, 72 p., 47 colour and b/w ill., card cover, format 27 x 21 cm, edition of 400
ISBN 978-3-88829-031-2
Price: 25,- € plus postage and shipping

Hans Breder: Works / Arbeiten 1964-2000
Ed. by Heiner Hachmeister on the occasion of the retrospective exhibition at the Museum of Art, University of Iowa 2002, text by Donald Kuspit, Münster 2002, German/Engl., 40 p., 15 colour, 4 b/w ill., card cover, format 27 x 22,5 cm
ISBN 978-3-88829-026-8
Price: 15,– € plus postage and shipping

Heiner Hachmeister (ed.): Wifredo Lam – Joan Miró
Texts by Jean-Christophe Bailly and Ulrich Krempel, Münster 2000, 71 p., 36 mainly colour ill., hardcover, thread stitching, format 27 x 21 cm
ISBN 978-3-88829-016-9
Price: 20,– € plus postage and shipping

Karel Dierickx: Der unabwendbare Abschied
Ed.: Heiner Hachmeister, texts by Roland Jooris and Lambert Tegenbosch, Münster 1998, 136 p., 84 colour ill., hardcover, linen cover, format 27,5 x 21,5 cm
ISBN 978-3-88829-001-5
Price: 34,– € plus postage and shipping

Karel Dierickx: Imaginäre Köpfe – Têtes imaginaires
Ed.: Heiner Hachmeister, text by Gaëtane Lamarche-Vadel, German/French, Münster 1997, 32 p., 23 colour ill., card cover, format 27 x 21 cm, edition of 800
ISBN 978-3-88829-135-7
Price: 10,– € plus postage and shipping

Heiner Hachmeister (ed.): Karel Dierickx
Text by Stefan Hertmans, Münster 1996, 24 p., 11 colour ill., card cover, format 27 x 21 cm, edition of 800
ISBN 978-3-88829-130-2
Price: 10,– € plus postage and shipping

Georg Frietzsche: Werke 1955-1985
Ed.: Heiner Hachmeister, texts by Eberhard Roters and Lorenz Dittmann. With excerpts from letters and notes of Georg Frietzsche, Münster 1994, 96 p., 46 colour , 8 b/w ill., hardcover, format 25,5 x 19,5 cm, edition of 700
ISBN 978-3-88829-125-8
Price: 24,– € plus postage and shipping

Gustav Seitz: Porta d’Amore
Text by Jens Kräubig, ed. by the Gustav Seitz Stiftung, Münster 1993, 112 p., 72 ill., hardcover, format 25,5 x 19,5 cm, edition of 1000
ISBN 3978-3-88829-105-0
Price: 21,– € plus postage and shipping

Hans Breder: Threshold States / Sprach-Schwellen
Artist book. Ed. by Heiner Hachmeister, with texts and statements by George Rickey, Anselm Hollo, Michael Kirby, Herman Rapaport, Stephen Foster, Estera Milman, John Hanhardt, Donald Kuspit, Lucio Pozzi, Allen F. Roberts, Antonio R. Damasio, Hans Breder and an introduction by Heiner Hachmeister, Münster 1992, Engl./German, 130 p., 105 ill., 42 of them coloured, card cover, format 26 x 22 cm, edition of 600, sold out
ISBN 978-3-88829-110-4
Price: 34,– € plus postage and shipping

Susanne Casser: Abfall wird Kunst
Ed. by Heiner Hachmeister, Münster 1992, 160 p., 58 mainly colour ill., hardcover, format 28 x 22 cm
ISBN 978-3-88829-095-4
Price: 44,50 € plus postage and shipping

Peter Telljohann: Diskrete Zerstreuung
Ed. by Heiner Hachmeister and Ferdinand Ullrich, texts by Siegfried J. Schmidt, Thomas Deecke, Gail B. Kirkpatrick, Bettina Ruhrberg, Münster 1992, 96 p., 55 colour, 14 b/w ill., format 28 x 21 cm
ISBN 978-3-88829-100-5 (card cover); Price: 24,– € plus postage and shipping
ISBN 978-3-88829-100-3 (hardcover); Price: 34,– € plus postage and shipping

Louis Soutter: Zeichnungen und Fingermalereien
Ed.: Heiner Hachmeister, with texts by Sibylle Reitmann and Le Corbusier, Münster 1991, 103 p., 70 ill., card cover, format 27 x 21 cm
ISBN 978-3-88829-085-5
Price: 24,– € plus postage and shipping

Mark Tobey: Werke/Œuvres 1945-1975
Ed.: Heiner Hachmeister, text by Castor Seibel, with poems by Mark Tobey, Münster 1991, German/French, 112 p., 57 colour ill., hardcover, format 27 x 21 cm, edition of 1000
ISBN 978-3-88829-090-9
Price: 42,50 € plus postage and shipping

Gustav Seitz: Catcher und Idole
Handzeichnungen, Reliefs, Plastiken aus dem Spätwerk, ed. by Heiner Hachmeister, Münster 1990, 128 p., 22 colour, 57 b/w ill., hardcover, format 27 x 21,5 cm, edition of 780 numbered copies
ISBN 978-3-88829-080-0
Price: 39,– € plus postage and shipping

Pablo Picasso: Figures
Radierungen und Lithographien. Ed. and text by Heiner Hachmeister, with a note by Castor Seibel, Münster 1989, German/Engl., 168 p., 91 ill., 77 of them coloured, hardcover, format 27 x 21,5 cm
ISBN 978-3-88829-065-7
Price: 42,50 € plus postage and shipping

Jean Fautrier: Les Dieux et les Hommes
30 dessins de 1943/44. Ed.: Heiner Hachmeister, texts by Yves Peyré and Castor Seibel, Münster 1989, German/French, 90 p., 30 colour ill., hardcover, linen cover, in slipcase, format 32 x 26 cm
ISBN 978-3-88829-075-6
Price: 124,– € plus postage and shipping